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More Scrappy Things

I’ve not had a lot of time to spend in the sewing room lately. Our middle daughter has been home from college a lot this semester due to participating in a local internship and I seem to get next to nothing done when she’s home. (Other than cooking more.)

I spent a few minutes recently just playing around with scraps while I waited on Hubby to be ready to do something. I can’t remember what we were going to do. Shopping, skiing, clearing snow? Who knows? My memory doesn’t seem to be quite what it used to be.

A few years ago I made a scrappy quilt made up of triangles. You can find that quilt here: . I thought making another one would be a great way to use up more of my massive scrap stash.

But I didn’t want to do exactly the same thing I’d done before. So I started playing around with an idea I’d had a while ago.

For this project, I cut 4″ x 6″ rectangles out of paper and then cut them on the diagonal to make triangles. Then I sewed random strips of fabric on as one would do for paper piecing. I’m hoping to get a few more sewn up this weekend so I can see how I want to arrange the triangles.

Earlier this week, I also took an afternoon to give the sewing room/office a good cleaning. What sparked this tidying frenzy was high-speed internet. Weird, right?

Here’s the story:

We’ve lived in the Dark Ages for a long time. When we moved to our neighborhood in 2001, we were using dial-up. Dial-up was dying a quick death at the time, as it wasn’t sufficient for loading fancier websites. When it became ponderously slow, we ditched that. Our internet options were seriously limited. We spent A LOT of time at the library, using the free internet available there, when the kids were young. Then satellite internet became available. Unfortunately, it had very low data caps. Once reached, we’d be throttled down to slow speeds again. Then it was back to the library for the rest of the month. Then we got phones with Hotspots that we could use to connect our laptops. The only problem: We only had 10 GB available. It was something, but it wasn’t perfect. Then we switched phone companies and got 40. (Still not enough for a month of TV watching, so we were still stuck paying for satellite TV.) First World problems, am I right?


Miracles do happen, folks. We saw strangers hanging wires and weird stuff from our power poles this past fall and we could finally be like the “cool” people in town with high-speed internet. AMAZING!

So anyway… This past week we had the fast stuff hooked up and decided that now that we weren’t limited to how we could arrange our living room due to needing to keep the tv tethered to the satellite cables coming in through one wall, we would turn our entire living room around.

And then…

We took a look at the old television cabinet that we’d been using as a clutter catcher (clutter being my knitting stuff and board games) and thought we could maybe find a new home for it. (We’d started using another piece of furniture to hold the television a few years ago.) After thinking and pondering for a while, I had the idea that I could repurpose that cabinet in the sewing room.

Voilá! It makes the perfect place to store our files, my scrapbooking supplies, and random office stuff.

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